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                           GetArcCoods procedure

  DECLARATION:  GetArcCoords(var ArcCoords : ArcCoordsType);

      PURPOSE:  Returns information about the last Arc command.

         UNIT:  Graph

      REMARKS:  This will return a variable of type ArcCoordsType, which
                is predeclared as follows:

                               ArcCoordsType = Record
                                  X, Y            : Integer;
                                  XStart, YStart  : Integer;
                                  XEnd, YEnd      : Integer;

                The variable returned will contain the center point (X,Y),
                the starting point (StartX, StartY), and the ending points
                (EndX, EndY) of the last Arc or Ellipse command.

 RESTRICTIONS:  Must be in graphics mode.

See Also: Arc Ellipse PieSlice
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson